If you follow me on Instagram, I am sure you already know the news… But if you don’t, then I am so thrilled to announce that I am pregnant (big WOHOOO) – nearly 5 months in fact! Sorry that it’s taken a bit longer to announce it here on the blog. I waited a while on social media as well – as we were just so overjoyed and happy in having the most amazing and sacred secret to ourselves. At least for a little while. But now all my husband and I want to do, is scream it from the rooftops! To say we are immensely grateful, is an understatement. As the road for us to get there, was not plain sailing…
I guess after we got married, we slowly starting thinking that welcoming a bundle of joy into our lives, would be the next natural step. But we weren’t in any mad rush either – we were only 28 years old, and work for both of us, was really starting to take off at this point. So we took it easy, didn’t focus on it very much, and just decided to wait until it happened naturally (the last thing either of us wanted, was to stress about it). Time went by, we flipped another property and work was just getting busier. But after a year, we started talking about the fact that it wasn’t happening (whilst still being relatively relaxed and easy about it at this stage)…
What I wasn’t so relaxed about however, and what was a pretty obvious warning sign as to why nothing was happening, was that the whole year we were trying – I didn’t have my monthly cycle. I had heard this was a common side-effect after quitting the pill (which I did right after the wedding), and unfortunately for me, it really messed things up for my body. So all I, we, could do, was patiently wait for it to normalise and come back.
After a year it started making an appearance, but never on a monthly basis. Then, after another 6 months, with constantly sporadic (many months, non-existent) cycles – and after a very failed and wrongly prescribed round of Clomid (which turned out to be the worst for my body – and as it was not something I actually needed, I was told afterwards that it had most likely been working in reverse for me, even as a form of contraception!) – I decided to take matters in my own hands, and started looking into natural ways of getting my cycle back. I was recommended an amazing acupuncturist who specialised in fertility, and I started seeing her on a weekly basis. She could quickly confirm that my hormone levels were very imbalanced, and as I wasn’t having a monthly menstrual cycle, I was most likely not ovulating (hence why we were not getting pregnant).
I saw her religiously every week, and the results (in the end), were amazing. Not only did she perform weekly acupuncture on me; she also prescribed some personalised Chinese Herbs, which I took on a daily basis (expensive, but so worth it). After 3-4 months, things started to happen to my body. Every month I started getting all the usual pre menstrual symptoms leading on to my period, with hot flushes (can you believe that I had never had this before?). The Chinese herbs also made me gain some weight, which I had been told I should do, if I wanted to conceive. Slowly, things started to happen, and although it was a very emotionally challenging situation (at this stage, we were both desperate to have a baby) – it was pretty amazing to see how my body was reacting to the acupuncture, the Chinese herbs, the gaining of weight, the cutting down on work, switching from high intensity exercise to calming yoga, and so on.
The weight gain, the PMS symptoms, the monthly menstrual cycle (which was near enough now happening the same time every month – YAY!) – were all very positive signs. I was told it would only be a matter of months, before it would happen.
…and it did, eventually, after nearly 2 1/2 years of trying. We did have to intervene and get some more help towards the end from my doctor to really get things going, but we got there in the end. To say 2016 was the most emotionally challenging, draining, heartbreaking, and confusing year to date – would be an understatement. But it´s also been the most magical start to 2017, where all our dreams have (literally) come true.
The reason for deciding to share this story with you here on the blog (albeit it might not be so relevant for some), is that I only wish that I had known more when I was going through it. I felt so alone and isolated much of the time (especially with so many people around me falling pregnant, it was even harder to talk about it) and personally, it´s been the hardest and most challenging situation I have ever had to face. But please, if you happen to be going through something similar, or you know someone else who is – know that you, or they are not alone. There is so much help and support out there if you seek it out, and I found leaning onto this, and truly believing that one day it would happen, is the reason that we have a little miracle baby growing inside my tummy right now. So if you have any questions, or you just want some friendly advice or support – please don’t be a stranger. You know where to find me.
Naturally, with all of this – my blog will continue to evolve with this change, and I really hope and wish you will continue to be part of it! I will still be posting about my latest fashion buys, beauty tips, interior hacks and travel content – but it will be mixed in with some maternity fashion, beauty pregnancy tips, decorating our nursery, travel adventures with a newborn, and so on.
Lots of exciting things to come, and I can’t wait to continue sharing this exciting new chapter with you all!
Lots of love,
Anneli x
Thank you for sharing your story Anneli.
Pleasure :)
MANY CONGRATULATIONS ANNELI! What an exciting time you have ahead of you. I honestly don’t think that women realise how much the pill messes with your system. I have many friends who have struggled to conceive after coming off the pill and their cycles never returned to normal. I’m really looking forward to reading your blog with baby bush included! Lots of love, Sarah
Thank you so much Sarah! No unfortunately, not enough women do realise all the side effects (as there´s just so many), but hopefully with more and more people speaking up about it, it will start spreading! Thank you for your kind wishes, lots of love Anneli
Hi Anneli, thank you so much for sharing this. I know friends who have had similar issues conceiving and it’s been so hard for them to talk about. My husband and I have recently decided to start trying for a baby and it’s definitely at the back of my mind that my fertility is something I’ve taken for granted and never really though about.
So happy that you and your husband are on your way to getting your happy ending xx
Thank you Hannah! Lots of luck with everything :) Anneli x
Dear Anneli,
thanks for being so open and honest and congratulations to the most exciting adventure ahead of you. <3
Quitting the pill and missing out on the menstrual cycle is something very familiar to me and I can only recomend using a herb that is called (and sorry here I have to use the latin name as I don't know the English one) "Agnus Castus".
The first time I got off the pill I was a bundle of nerves and overall really unwell and in the end started to take it again as I was desperate to stabilize emotionally.
I therefore did quite a bit of research and am so pleased that immediatly after quitting the pill last year I started taking the herb in pill form and am happier than ever with my menstrual cycle and mood.
Another plus was that it really helped with the skin outbreaks I experienced the first time without the pill. And lets be honest, who wants that being in their late twenties…
My docotor than latter on told me that it would also be very helpful if one is trying to conceive.
I usually order it via an online-pharmacy and with around 20 Euros (living outside the UK) it lasts three months and is not that expensive.
Hope this is some help to other women struggling.
Thanks for being such an inspiration, Anneli Xx Martha-Sophia
Dear Martha-Sophia,
Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I have not heard of this herb specifically, but I know that herbs are a great remedy for health and healing, and I am so happy that it has worked for you! Ax
Congratulations! It was so lovely to read your story and to see that you’ve had a happy ending. I can’t wait to see all of your pregnancy content – I’m a long way off from having a baby but I still find it so interesting!
Lynnsay x
Hi Lynnsay,
Thank you so much!I am glad you hear you will be interested in pregnancy content too! Ax
Congratulations Anneli, such wonderful news!
Thank you Michelle! Ax
Congratulations Anneli and thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I are currently trying to conceive and although relatively short (9 months or so) I really never imagine the stress in trying to conceive. I’m trying to relax more but it’s really hard! Can you recommend any books or reading material that helped you on your journey? Or other things that helped you out?
hope you are keeping well and I’m looking forwards to following your journey x
Thank you so much Davina! It´s stressful isn’t it? And it should really be a time of the exact opposite in order to conceive, with lots of relaxation in your life. So I only hope you are able to take it as easy as possible, and not start stressing, as that won´t help anything!
To help this, I listened to lots of Podcasts actually, such as The Melissa Ambrosini Show, The Good Life Project and Zencast, all amazing! Wishing you the best of luck and best wishes in your journey. Anneli x
Amazing Anneli and thank you for sharing – so open of you but it is going to help so many people, me included. Currently in the ‘trying’ fog – after falling pregnant with my daughter very easily this time around it is proving to be more of a test. I know we will get there but the horemones, longing and pain all make it feel a million miles away. Cannot wait to follow your journey! Lots of love xxxx
Hi Anna,
So happy to hear that maybe sharing this story, will ease some stress from your life. Although everyone is of course very different, I do hear from a lot of people that the second child is sometimes a bit trickier. But I am sure this will all work out – if you have fallen pregnant once (and it was easy), I am sure this will happen again! Wishing you the best of luck with everything. Anneli x
congratulations Anneli, it’s truly amazing news and wonderful of you to share your story, especially given how difficult it’s obviously been! I bet you can’t wait to meet the little one now :)
Mel x mediamarmalade.com
Thank you Mel! Anneli x
Amazing news, big congratulations! So glad to hear things worked out in the end for you x
Thank you Jenny! Ax
Congratulations to both of you!!! (I had found out through Instagram though)
It is very brave of you to share what you’ve been through in such an open and honest way.
Looking forward to all the changes around here!
Thank you Laura, that means a lot! Ax
Hi Anneli, congratulations and thank you so much for sharing your story. I came off the pill last January to give my body a break after take Microgynon for 15 years and I then didn’t have a period for eight months. It wasn’t until I was prescribed Provera by my gyno that it kick started my cycle, albeit very irregular. I’ve had the copper coil fitted since as I refuse to take hormone contraceptives again! I’m getting married next year and we’re keen to try for a family quite soon after, so I guess I’m just trying to get my body in as good shape as possible and hope my periods become regular eventually. I’d be very interested to know who your acupuncturist is, if you don’t mind sharing. Or any other ones you could recommend who specialise in fertility. Thank you! xxx
Hi Jenna,
Thank you so much!
It´s crazy how so many people loose their periods after the pill, so I am happy to hear that you are obviously so aware of it – and I wish you the best of luck with everything! Of course – I saw Zoe Lake, who is based in Clapham Junction. Anneli x
Thank you so much for sharing your story Anneli! My husband and I want to start trying for soon. I’ve never taken the pill but at the back of my mind I never took fertility for granted. Hope we will get blessed with a baby soon:)
Love from https://tbymallano.com/
Thank you so much Tatjana! I hope so too :)
Hi Anneli
Congratulations on your wonderful news. Im currently going through a very similar situation. Out of interest did you continue having accupunture after transfer/conceiving?
Thank you Hannah! I had a few acupuncture sessions after conceiving – it´s apparently very crucial during the first 12 weeks (to help prevent miscarriage, create a relaxed and healthy environment and so on.)
Absolutely best of luck, just welcomed a beautiful baby boy 10 weeks ago, it’s truly the most incredible experience and overwhelming love you will ever feel, enjoy every single second!!!
Huge congratulations! Ax
This is such a heartfelt piece and I really enjoyed reading your journey with a happy ending!
I am just a few weeks behind you and I look forward to keeping up to date with your latest maternity fashion and blogs xx
Thank you Nina! So exciting for you, so happy to hear your happy news too! Ax
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Anneli! I am nearly 3 months pregnant after quitting the pill in last september and now, after weeks of insecurance and fears and now reading your story, I feel so gifted. I would love to read some pregnancy-content here, as you are two months ahead. Wishing you all the best, Christa
Hi Christa,
Glad you found it useful, and huge congratulations to you too! :) I feel extremely gifted every single moment of the day, and I think that´s a good thing – to really appreciate something which was not a given. Wishing you best as well! Anneli
I am on the way to naturally conceive as well…hopefully good news come sooner than later, so happy for you and cant wait to have fashion tips on the journey.
Hi Jessie,
Wishing you the best of luck! Ax
Congratulations beautiful Anneli! SO over the moon for you gorgeous.
I think it’s so important to know in our most difficult times that we are never alone, and in sharing your journey you’re helping others to know that. You’re amazing and I am so excited for you, Sam and baby Bush!
Ah thank you darling Monica! That is so kind of you to say. It wasn’t an easy subject to instantly share – but I am so glad that I have done it, as it will hopefully help a lot of others having the same struggles! Anneli xx
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I too had a 3 1/2 year struggle to conceive and am now a month behind you! It’s so refreshing to see people in the public eye share these private stories with everyone. It certainly makes me feel better about it all. I would LOVE your tips on fashion, even that gorgeous white t-shirt in your pictures is stunning!! I follow your Instagram but am not sure how to follow your blog… I look forward to all your tips and treats in store for us! Huge congratulations!!
Wow, how amazing for you! You must be so excited – huge congratulations! Yes, I kind of felt that having this outlet and voice, gives me the rare opportunity to show that it isn´t so easy for everyone, as so many people might think! I will be sharing lots of fashion tips going forward for sure :) Ax
Congratulations! My husband and I tried for 7 years to conceive and had just started to have conversations about giving up hope and calling it quits (he was about to turn 40 that year and I was sick of putting so much stress and pressure on ourselves). Then a day after my birthday in 2013 we found out that we were expecting. Our miracle baby boy arrived on Christmas day 2013, 3 days after my husband’s 40th birthday. We never told anyone of our struggles until after we found out we were expecting and I think this is the case for most people. There are many forums out there and I would say to anyone going through this chat on those forums and read other peoples stories – this is something that you are not going through alone and there are plenty of happy endings out there! X
Thank you so much Linzi! Wow what a journey for you guys, but with a lovely ending at last! So happy for you.
I agree, not enough is being shared, but as you said there are lots of forums and chat groups out there (albeit I found some a bit too intense at times) – but hearing and sharing other people struggles, makes us all realise that it doesn’t come easy for all of us (but there are still lots of happy endings out there!). Ax
Massive congratulations to you and Sam. So happy for you. Would love to see you when you next visit Dad and Sue xxx
Thank you Kelly! Ax
This is a wonderful post, thank you for sharing. You are very brave to write about your journey so publicly but I know that in doing so you are reaching so many people. I was extremely lucky to conceive without any of the heartache and frustration that you endured, and although a little shocked to see the result on the pregnancy test, I spent the next few days whispering ‘we are so lucky’. Every baby is a miracle and as my pregnancy progresses and back pain is replaced quickly by sleepless nights, I will try to repeat that mantra and never forget how lucky we are. Huge congratulations to you and Sam, I am so happy you got your wish in the end x
Lovely to hear from you Jamie! Yes, it wasn’t the easiest thing to share, but the knowing of potentially reaching so many people, took away that fear I guess :) So happy to hear everything went well for you guys, and as you said, every baby is a miracle. Hope it´s all going well! Ax
So happy for you guys! Can’t wait to see how you style out your pregnancy, I’m sure effortlessly.
We’re not quite there yet but it’s good to read your story, just in case we do have some problems.
Vikki, xx
Thank you Vikki! Ax
Huge congratulations! So refreshing when people like yourself help to relieve some of the stigma around fertility issues, which is so common. I have a beautiful daughter already (which I fell pregnant with naturally after 6 months of trying, thankfully). It is proving to be more of a struggle conceiving our second child (also have very irregular cycles and ovulation). I am on my second round of Clomid and very curious about your experience of that drug, as it wasn’t a positive experience? Thank you x
Thank you for your kind message, Emily! I don´t know enough about Clomid to make a statement as such – all I know is that as I didn´t personally need it, it therefore worked in reverse for me (acting as a form of contraception). It messed up a lot for me personally (cycle/body wise), and delayed things significantly. My doctor, who is a leader in the fertility field, told me this, so I do trust it – but we are all individual, and I am sure (and have heard), it can work for some people! Wishing you the best of luck. Ax
Fantastic of you to share your story and give some hope to us facing the same struggles. I am very curious to hear more of the Chinese herbs you tried ( and the acupuncture) How and where did you find them? What was the name and in what way did they help you?
Thank you xxx
Thank you Michelle. The Chinese herbs were specially prescribed herbs by my acupuncturist (no name/brand) who is also a registered herbalist. I was recommended both by a friend who was facing the same struggles! Wishing you the best of luck xx
Hi Anneli,
I totally get you. I feel the same about sharing my story. I never share my very private problems or joys on social media. But my problem with having a baby and having this joy is a hope for whom waiting for an answer for their suffering.
Congrats, I am so happy for you. Please, my blog post about my pregnancy story.
Thank you so much, and happy to hear everything worked out for you too!
Hi Anneli,
Thank you for sharing. I have just fallen pregnant kind of unplanned, but all is fine, and I am lucky this happened without the struggle so many go through. I feel sick to my stomach from nausea all the time, and was wondering if you have any tips about how you handled the first trimester? This also brings me to the real reason I am writing to you. My best friend, told me just the same time I told her that I am pregnant, that she has not gotten her period back after quitting the pill about half a year ago. She is really happy for me, but I see the sadness also, we kind of always said we would enjoy our long maternity leave somehow at the same time. I think my condition just adds stress to her, so how could I support her. Alternative medicine is not a big thing here, how did you find your way to that? And what advice can you give as a friend.
All the best,
Hi Iris,
Lovely to hear from you and congratulations on your wonderful news. I took it really easy, followed my cravings, ate little and often, and did acupuncture to relieve nausea.
That is of course a very difficult situation for you, one which I found myself in during the years we were trying, and now with other friends who also struggling. I think the best advice for you would be to show to your friend that you are there, without being too pushy. Maybe keep some respectful distance and wait for her to reach out to you, and talk about your pregnancy if she brings it up. I understand that you are overjoyed and want to share your joy – but talking about it all the time might really upset her and create a wedge between you. So be patient, share your joy with others who aren’t in that situation and just have as much as understanding for her as possible (which I am sure you already do).
Hope that helps :)
Just catching up on all your posts as this week it’s your due date – exciting! Congratulations and best of luck for the big day you meet your new prince. Now, where are these earrings from?!
Thank you so much! They are from H&M :)
Hi Anneli, hope you had a wonderful Easter beak :) It’s my first time reading your blog and I just found this story – I’m in a similar situation at the moment. It’s very empowering to read stories of women like you who found themselves in the same position!
I’ve stopped taking the pill 10 month ago (I had crazy down days, lost lots of hair and was ) what happens next or what is still happening is kind of crazy.. My skin got very bad I looked like a teenager suffering acne –
(Actually sometimes I still do) but way worse was that my cycle stopped. The first months I didn’t really think about it, then I felt frightened. I went to see my doctor and she was a bit worried as well – she told me that I wasn’t ovulating and might suffer amenorrhea. But as I didn’t want to become pregnant (yet) she suggested to wait for another 6 months hoping that my cycle would come back. I’ve always hated to “wait and hope” that things turn out the way they should – so I started googling and decided to meet a acupuncturist. Looking back, I can say for sure this has been the best decision! To make a long story short- I couldn’t see my acupuncturist every week but once a month and after 10 month my cycle came back!! And same for me, my feeling for my body, ovulation and cycle is so much more intense but I love it:) Now hoping that my skin turns back to normal:)X Nadine
Hi Nadine,
So lovely to hear from you! The pill can really affect some people really badly… And I am so happy to hear that you are off it and seeking out an acupuncturist, which is truly powerful stuff! Great news re your cycle as well. As you said, it is more I intense (as it’s no longer simulated from the pill), but at least you know your body is working all naturally! Anneli x